Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More Money

I have been trying to find other ways that schools can raise money without putting more and more of the burden on the parents/students. Although the registration amount that I proposed wouldn't break the bank, there are other ways to add to that money. Apparently (I have never taught at private schools, so I have little knowledge of how they work), private schools do a good amount of fundraising. This is a great idea, even if you aren't paying $30,000 to have your child go there. I found an article on ways that schools have done fundraising at Education World
There are many examples in the article of how to raise money. If public schools could take just some of these ideas and run with them, then that would be extremely helpful!

1 comment:

  1. Another thought-- Students could bring in old clothing that cannot be passed down but is in good condition and have a community yard sale type thing. Who knows!
    Art students can sell their pieces at art shows at the schools and a percentage could go to the school for displaying it--I know it wouldn't be much and it's not like the pieces would sell for hundreds, but who cares. This would boost pride for the students and gain the school a few bucks in return.
    Students can also bring their bottles and cans to school--I did this in my classroom and use the money (not much, but something!) to buy paper, pencils, etc. for the classroom. I imagine that this is already in affect in most schools....
    Talent shows that are community wide....
